

Murky Thoughts

Walking through the murkiness, I took a step slowly, then all at once, prodding across the sand that swept past my feet. I looked around. What did I see? Nothing. I didn't see a damn thing. I didn't want to. I heard a couple laughing at a near distance and I grunted as I slowly turned my head to look. Ugh. People. 

An average looking man with jet-black hair that was neatly cut sat by a woman. He was tall. Tall with dark brown eyes and a sharp nose. Beside him lay one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes upon. Bronze all over, with a touch of honey trickling down her skin. Maybe the sunlight reflected her eyes much more vividly than I wanted it to. The man just gazed at her. Intently. As if I wasn't obvious enough, let alone rubbing it into other people's faces, sitting perched beside the roaring waves. He kind of gazed at her as if she was the moon or something, you know? See, this is the kind of love bullshit everyone keeps talking about.

There is no such thing. Don't let these Dumb Disney movies tell you otherwise. The whole glass slipper thing? The whole, "Oh, any beast can be tamed." All crap. Don't fall for that. It's a trap!

I continued. I made my way past the endless infinity of blue. Endless. Infinite. Do you realize how beautiful this Earth and Universe actually is? Look around. I wish you could be here with me right now. I could show you what I see through my eyes. Make you feel it. Understand the concept of it. Vastness and tides, holding hands and performing a love ballet in the midst of the waters. Yeah, I know I said love was bullshit but that was me just being cynical. Call me fickle-minded if you must. I mean, if you believe in Disney and Prince Charming, great. As for me, I prefer wolves, if you know what I mean. They can hear you better, see you better and feel you better. 

After a million thoughts swam across my already troubled mind, I decided to walk into the ocean. I have always wanted to walk on water. My mother once taught me, if you really believe, things do happen according to what you materialize. Haven't you heard? Believe, and you're halfway there. 

[ PS: This is written for pure entertainment. It isn't related to my story or anyone else's story. Neither does it refer to anyone in particular or any incident past or present. ]

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