
What inspires you to write? 

What gives you that push to pen down your thoughts in a subliminal manner aspiring you to grow?

I tried asking myself that question. I can't say I have only one answer but there are two main things that trigger this inspiration to write. To express myself through words because I would never verbally say them.


- No, I'm not talking about Chris Brown, Rihanna or even Drake. I'm talking more Chillstep and Deep House. Ever since I got into this Chillstep phase, I can't help but have the urge to write. It helps me swim and dive deeper into my thoughts.

My Muse. 

- Call me fickle, but this changes all the time. Sometimes, I think of the person I admire and use them as inspiration. Other times, I think of a certain person who brings happiness into my life and use that. There are times when I look up to my parents too and adding chillstep music to my muse always pushes me to write.

Tonight is one of those nights. 


Five seconds turned into five minutes. 
Sitting in solitude, trying to be a poet. 
Thinking of you.
Remembering you.
Safely, from a distance. 

Humans left footprints in my mind. 
Some overstayed their welcome and left me blind. 
But I still admired you. 
I still spoiled you. 
Safely, from a distance.

Winter nights turned into summer days.
Time traveled, quick as lightning. 
While we gazed at each other, there appeared a haze.
You know what it was? Friendship turned ablaze.

Hiding behind this mask of emotion, I scurried away from you.
Still thinking of you.
Still remembering you.
Still admiring you.
And still spoiling you.
Safely, from a distance. 

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