

I lay on my back, spine as rigid as a mother who denies a child some ice-cream on a cold winter day. Staring out into the black, I gazed into the night while tiny little bugs greeted me under the green shrouds. Holding up my podgy little index finger, I counted the stars that were dancing across the inked, dotted sky. I traced along the constellations trying to draw out our zodiac signs together. I blinked, slowly, then several times at a faster pace but as I stared into the open ended ocean of black, I saw nothing. All those stars, those drawings mapped out were just tiny traces of the universe I had created for you.

I shifted my head to a different angle, trying to understand the myriad of patterns I had achieved through simple thoughts of you and the cloudless darkness. To me, it was more like a canvas. Painters or artists often find inspiration through people and sometimes objects. White canvases are common but who ever thought that a black canvas, stripped naked of its thoughts would be even more desirable to create a drawing of the universe I made for you?

I shut my eyes and forced thoughts of you, forcing them to evolve into measurable goodness and delight, the vibes you would normally expect from someone you care about. Why were they forceful though? I tried and squeezed my eyes shut, focusing, dreaming, conjuring broken images of the times both you and I were together as one. Instances turned into moments, little shreds turned into a full sized sheet of paper.

Black canvas high above against white, pure thoughts. Ah! Wouldn't that be ideal? It took much longer than I expected but why? Was it because we were coming together as one or because there was a drift in between the minds? I opened my dark brown eyes and tried again. Utilising all that energy, memories and the pure thought of you, I drew out a galaxy, a universe, a sacred and safe haven just for you. I looked at the masterpiece where I could picture a life inside that magical entity. I blinked, and in a millisecond the entire drawing faded away, just like specks of stardust.

Only if you let me. Only if you let me, is when I can show you the magical existence of the universe I drew for you. The one I created JUST for you, no one else. But only if you let me.

- Miss Lara xx

[ PS: This is written for pure entertainment. It isn't related to my story or anyone else's story. Neither does it refer to anyone in particular or any incident past or present. ]

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