

This is a post where “literature” isn’t involved. No poetry or actual prose. Pure, raw thoughts straight from my heart translated onto my blog. I often ponder over situations more than they need to be sought after. Sometimes I ask myself, is this even worth it? Is all that effort really necessary?

What am I on about? Well recently, I’ve just understood the real meaning of vibes. No, not the shisha place in TST, but the actual vibrations you receive and give out as part of your soul. (I know I’m funny, thanks). There are some people you meet, and you feel that before they even speak, they exude a certain vibe about them. Now this vibe could be positive or even negative but really, it’s something only your intuition can tell you. Of course, there raises the question right? Just because someone sends out bad vibes to you, they could be sending out good vibes to another person. How does that work then?

The way I see it, I have a very live and let live approach now. In the past, I was a lot more concerned with people, what they do, speak, who they meet etc. Basically, more bothered about others than myself. Today, 24 years later, I can say that I am evolving very, very slowly. Much slower than I want to really, but that’s my own fault. I have come to understand that not everyone will like you and by you trying to please the world, you’re the only one who is going to be defeated.

Those reading this know that I use Instagram a LOT and get a lot of quotes from there. One quote that will always be imprinted in my mind is “You can be the juiciest, ripest peach and there will still be someone who hates peaches.” I mean, at the end of the day, I have slowly come to understand that assholes will always be assholes. You can’t really change people for your own sake unless they want to. This change too has nothing to do with you so instead, I’ve started letting go. The best way to deal with unwanted vibrations that only deter your path and hinder your success is to eliminate them for good.

Now for the positive part of my unexpected rant. Just how I mentioned that people who breathe out negative vibes, the same way there exist souls who let out positive vibes that take you a place where happiness can be created together. I say this with confidence because I know a few such people. They are people who lift you up, who allow you to grow and evolve into a better person. These are people who inspire you every day to become a better version of yourself by pushing harder. They are people who support you constantly without an ounce of selfishness in it. They are the people who will be there for you whenever you need them to be, without thinking twice. With this, I could be both people for someone else. There could be people (which there are, duh, I’m only human) that think of me as somewhat negative but let’s be honest, at the same time, there are others who think the sun shines out of my bum too. Really, it’s just a matter of choice and how you vibe with someone. Your souls are aligned and the universe brings people into your life to send you a message. Whether they stay for a lifetime or for a few months, this depends on you and your actions.

All I want to say is, I’m in a happy place now. It might be somewhat a bubble that I’m construed in, but I’m fine with that. My bubble is going strong at the moment and I feel that I’m going somewhere in this crevasse of life. I do hope that the people that radiate sunshine from their bums into my life stay in it, for good. While this may be unrealistic, we can still hope. And to those that make the skies clear once they disappear, keep those negative vibes buried far, far away from me.

Thank you. That is all. By the way, this post is related to life in general, and not to any particular person or people specifically. Alright I’m out!

Can’t wait to be on a holiday tomorrow, YAY Hong Kong.

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