
Hey everyone! 

Well, today I decided to blog about something I am often teased about; my part-time astrology beliefs! 

Zodiac signs could be true or baseless, depending on whether you believe or not. Astrology, just like any other man-made beliefs is about perception and faith.There is no real proof so it's a matter of choice really. 

Zodiac signs are sun signs, and I believe in the traits of each sign. I don't really follow the everyday bullshit that says "Oh, today you're going to cross the street." or crap like "Yep.Today is the day you're going to drink some water." I mean, really?

Sun signs determine some basic personality traits about your sign, depending on when you're born.

Here is a cutout summary and you can judge for yourself.Today's post is all about AIR Signs.

I'll start with my own sign. I am a LIBRA of course! (Those who know me well know that I fit the description really well haha)

Libra : 23rd September - 22nd October
Element: Air
Sign: Cardinal
Known as: The scales


1. Charming - we often charm our way into and out of things. We are sociable and prefer to let our smile introduce ourselves. We welcome new comers and often make people feel at ease. Also, we believe in peace and prefer spending our time smoothing out ruffled feathers. 

2. Bright - we are mentally stimulated. We prefer intellectual conversations about all topics involving creativity. We like world issues, art, culture, debates etc. Anything that will help us think and grow. We are known to be quick-witted and sharp individuals although this is usually hidden by our cool and calm demeanor.We are some great communicators of the zodiac.

3. Solution-oriented/Diplomatic/Fair : We are the scales for a reason. We hate disrespect and injustice. We like harmony and peace where we often idealize about everyone being one big happy family. We often are diplomatic in our comments and approach towards people. 

4. Romantic - We are idealists of love. We love the idea of it more than the actual thing. We love chivalry and sweet, innocent gestures. We will go to great depths to please our partner mentally, emotionally and physically. We dote on romance and we live off it. We will never forget to let you know how much we care for you and appreciate you. All. the.time.


1. Detached - Although we love romance, we love space. We prefer partners who give us space but comes back just on time to not let us stray. We dislike clingy people or partners. We have a personal bubble.

2. Flirtatious - We literally flirt with anyone or anything. We use our charm and over-friendly attitude to make people feel at ease. Don't let this fool you though! Just because we flirt or are smooth with our words, does not mean we actually like you. 

3. Superficial - We are obsessed with outer appearances and almost always go for the metrosexual yet masculine look. We tend to have a certain perception of who we want and go with that. We are also people-pleasers which makes us seem easily swayed.

4. Indecisive - This is self explanatory. We never know what we want. We switch from A to B to C and then Z but realize that A is the best only to realize no wait...B might be the best. You know what I mean. But once we make up our mind, there is no changing it. I promise you that. No means no.

Gemini: May 21st- June 21st
Element: Air
Sign: Mutuable
Known as: The Twins


1. Energetic and Enthusiastic: Always want fun. Versatile. Never a dull moment. 

2. Communicators: Constantly thinking. Many ideas to share and converse about. Open-minded. Quick witted. Believe in mental stimulation LARGELY. A smart partner always catches their eye. Maybe even the "nerds"!

3. Personality : Playful. Adaptable. Flexible. Independent. Has knowledge on VAST topics. Very sympathetic and intuitive too (this is so true, my best friend and ex boyfriend are Geminis!)


1. Lack of consistency : Tend to get bored easily so fluctuate a lot. Air sign, so keeps moving from one thing to another. Kind of like the phrase, "Jack of all trades, master of none". GET BORED EASILY!

2. Two-faced: There's a reason they're called the twins. Every single Gemini has two sides to them. They can change face easily. One time they're the sweetest and the next, they're all cold and MIA. Known to be manipulative. Easily changes plans. 

3. Superficial and Fickle : Tend to fear love. Scared of losing independence. Quite nosy and love to gossip. Air sign again, so can't make up their minds easily either.

Aquarius: January 20th - February 18th
Element: Air
Sign: Fixed
Known as: The Water Bearer


1. Loyal once committed : Very loyal to friends, family and lover. Love long-term relationships. To the right lover, they are affectionate and deeply passionate. Kinky and experimental. Feel very, very deeply. Sensitive and full of intensity. Independent individuals even when committed. They usually are more concerned with the opposite sex's nature and thinking more than appearance.

2. Communicators: Very intellectual. Deep thinkers. Think outside the box. Progressive.Extremely sociable and enjoy mental stimulation. Good at debate. Highly knowledgeable. Very adventurous too in both physical activity and topic discussions. They like to be challenged intellectually.

3. Humanitarians: Love to help the world. Likes charity and allows people to think for themselves to grow. Very honest. Non-conformists and very original. Beats to their own drum. Observant, thoughtful and fair humans. Want the best for everyone. 


1. Detached: Very, VERY independent. Prefers alone time. Even when committed won't give themselves emotionally fully. Need space and LOTS of it. Very flaky and can alternate between being warm and affectionate to suddenly being cold and distant. Emotionally unavailable most of the times. Doesn't express feelings of love easily. VERY ALOOF! (Known enough to vouch for these traits)

2. Stubborn and fixed: Strong principles and morals. Will not change their minds once made up. Very argumentative if they believe they're right. Very unpredictable too Find it very hard to find people on the same wavelength.

3. Non-committed : Extremely appalled by this. Appalled by large sentiments and too much emotional drama. Withdraws from clingy people. Backs off from people who are too emotionally needy. Sometimes insecure and feels lonely as no one feels on the same level as them (except other air signs of course!)

For the air signs reading this, please leave a comment and let me know if the above fits your description! I know that my traits are 90 % true with a few exceptions here and there. I know many many librans who also have similar characteristics. 

Toodles for now! x x Lari

The next post will be Fire Signs! ( Leo, Sagittarius, Aries)

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