
Fire Signs

Okay, so to keep it as short as possible, here is a summary of the fire signs!

Leo: July 23rd - August 22nd
Element: Fire
Sign: Fixed (refers to stability and dependability)
Known as : The Lion

Positive Traits:

1. Loud, energetic and enthusiastic : Confident. Extremely proud of who they are, in a positive way. Cheerful about life in general and pretty optimistic. Determined people who are very optimistic about their goals. They see the glass as half full. It's kinda contagious.

2. Kind and big-hearted: They have a heart of gold when it comes to giving. Go out of their way to help people almost always. Happy to shower love and affection towards people openly. Noble individuals who are warm and generous. Although people are quick to think, "Oh this is so generic, everyone can be kind hearted." - think about it. Do you know certain people who are indifferent and aren't as giving? They aren't the most ready to selflessly give and give. Now think of maybe one or two leos you know really well and think of how BIG hearted they really are!

3. Loyal and expressive: They never fail to express. They take great pride in their possessions just like the mighty Lion. Extremely straightforward and will tell you how it is, whether you like it or not. Not one to stray. Fiercely loyal and I mean it.

Negative Traits:

1. Headstrong/Stubborn : Once they make up their mind, you can hardly ever change it. Because of this, they also tend to be extremely bossy and temperamental.

2. Egoistic/Proud : Their pride is VERY fragile. Hurt their pride and that's the end of it. They are egoistic and thrive of compliments and praise. They believe that they are the best always, just like how the lion believes no one is better in the jungle. Quite vain people, to be brutally honest.

3. Possessive/dominating : Even for Leo women, they are more male than female in their attitude and personality. Leos get jealous VERY easily and try to manipulate or dominate their partners. They need and want constant attention from their partners which sometimes makes it hard to satisfy their needs 100%.

Sagittarius: November 22nd - December 21st.
Element: Fire
Sign: Mutable ( means they're more flexible and adaptable to change )
Known as: The Archer


1. Free-spirited: THEY LOVE FREEDOM! Honestly, some of my closest friends are Sagittarius. They hate being tied down. They like space and quite a lot of it to be honest. Confident and self-dependent. Freedom also leads to thirst for vast knowledge. Very well read, philosophical and intellectual. Not just academically but on various topics. Makes them good communicators. Goal oriented.

2. Truthful/Frank : Okay, I can vouch for this. They will give it to you straight up without thinking of how you feel. I've read up on this a lot AND had lots and lots of experience with at least 3 very close Sagittarius friends. They pride themselves in being truthful and this is something very appreciative. At first, you're taken aback by the frankness and bluntness but later you're like.."Oh yeah, thanks for giving it to me without sugar coating it!"

3. Love for nature and travel: Again, this could be true for anyone right? (for non-believers who say that it's so generic. Yes it is, but they love this more than other signs such as, if you take a Pisces for example and a Sagittarius together, who will more likely go on a crazy trip with you? Yep, it's Sagi who are risk-takers and willing to do whatever, whenever. )


1. Overconfident: They're confident but sometimes a bit over-confident. While this may be a positive, sometimes it comes across as being too up themselves which then leads to large egos perhaps. Due to this nature sometimes as well coupled with being truthful, it sometimes makes them appear tactless.

2. Impatient/Inconsistent: Constantly lose interest in things quickly. This leads to lots of fluctuation and this makes them seem quite careless sometimes. They don't have the number 1 ranking for patience either and tend to be restless especially when their energy is being wrongly used or channelized.

3. Superficial: Okay so this is true for so many people. But they're a lot more concerned about outer appearance too as much as they deny it. This COULD lead to detached personalities sometimes (omg so true I can vouch for this) - while they can be a little expressive getting an "I love you" from them isn't the easiest........

Aries: March 21st - April 20th
Element: Fire
Sign: Cardinal Sign (more active and quick towards change)
Known as: The Ram


1. Energy: These are energetic and crazy enthusiastic individuals. Always the life of the party, ready to do anything. They carry this energy around and my own sister is an Aries along with a few others I know. She IS the life of the party (yeah Sim, I complimented you!) Due to this great energy around them, they hate to sit and wait around. They are more the type to just go out there and make things happen. There's a plan waiting to happen? Hell yeah Aries will be right on it.

2. Positive: They are usually more optimistic about life. Half-full glass type. More practical thinkers than just feelers. This makes them inspiring individuals and quite popularly liked among friends. They pass this positivity around them and make sure the so called "under-dogs" are always included too.

3. Passionate: They take passion in anything they do, whether it is a project or a relationship or friendship. Once they decide on it, they will do it, with 100% passion. It's all or nothing with them.


1. Arrogant/Impulsive: They are quite arrogant. They always think they're right. Quite argumentative too I must say. Impulsive decisions are constantly made due to this "idgaf" attitude. This sometimes makes them seem insensitive to others' feelings and needs but do you think they care? Most probably not.

2. SUPER STUBBORN: These stubborn people are so hard to deal with sometimes. Once they make up their mind, they will NOT budge. (Sim, you KNOW what I'm talking about.) But yes, this COULD be a good thing for some but mostly it's seen as a negative trait cause come on, some flexibility is surely required?

3. Confrontational: Again, they don't care about your feelings if they think they're right remember? They see a problem and you can BET they're gonna come right out and address you directly. There's no holding back or waiting...for the right time. It's immediate and impulsive. You have a problem with them? Deal with it now. They aren't one to take your shit.

If you're born in between the dates that are co-coinciding in between two signs, it means you're a cusp! That just means you could share traits from two signs. Fire signs, tell me, is some of this true? I'm so curious! Leave a comment!

Toodles for now xx Lari
My next post is going to be Earth Signs! (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn)

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