
Earthquake in Nepal - Worst one in 80 years


There are over numerous articles and posts regarding the unfortunate Earthquake that struck Nepal in the worst way possible. This has been the worst one to hit over the past 80 years. With a magnitude of 7.9 and the aftershock of magnitude 5, it has left over 2500 dead and counting. Death tolls are increasing. With the tremors felt and displayed through large cracks on the road, people have been left homeless and without enough rescue aid in order for them to survive with ease. 

This devastating occurrence has left temples wrecked, destroyed homes of local residents and has triggered avalanches on Mount Everest, sadly leaving hundreds of foreigners missing. Over 5,000 people have been left injured and with 700 alone in Kathmandu with numbers rising daily due to the insufficient funds needed to help serve and restore what has been lost. 

Most citizens slept on the roads, uncomfortable and in the open, too afraid to return back to their homes due to the aftershocks. Conditions worsened when rain and thunderstorms were present on Sunday. 

“I hardly got any sleep. I was waking up every few hours and glad that I was alive.”

“There were at least three big quakes at night and early morning. How can we feel safe? This is never-ending and everyone is scared and worried."

“We hardly slept through the night. It was cold and it rained briefly and it was uncomfortable but I am glad I brought my family out to the open,”

Although there are disaster reliefs and shelter was provided using schools. However, medicals worriedly explained how treating the injured was getting more difficult without enough resources for food and water. 

“I stood still. In a few seconds I saw Dharahara falling down. People were screaming.”

Here is how we can help:

Listed below are 5 non-profit organizations that are said to help and donate funds and necessities to Nepal. 


AmeriCares is an emergency response and global health organization. They have sent an emergency response team from their offices in Mumbai to Nepal and are "preparing shipments of medical aid and relief supplies for survivors."


CARE describes itself as a humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. It has a long-established presence in Nepal, and told USA Today that it was “coordinating with other agencies to assist up to 75,000 people.”

Direct Relief

Direct Relief is a nonprofit that specializes in providing international medical assistance. It is in the process of coordinating with local partners in Nepal and will focus its relief efforts on the “valley around Kathmandu, where medical facilities are overflowing with patients seeking care.”

Save the Children

Save the Children is an international NGO dedicated to promoting children’s rights and providing relief and support to children in developing countries. It has set up a Nepal fund to “protect vulnerable children and provide desperately needed relief to families.” Ten percent of the funds collected will go to prepare for the next disaster.

Seva Foundation

The Seva Foundation is a US-based nonprofit known for its work treating blindness. It has a long-running presence in Nepal and has set up an emergency relief fund.
Do your part and help make the world a better place. We can help those in need. If not us, who else? Humans need to stand up for each other, in the name of kindness and humanity. 

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