

I am a myriad of contradictions. I am immeasurable. Some days I want to be smothered in affection, praise and passion. I want to drown in earnestness. Other days however, I want nothing but solitude. I want to bury myself into a tunnel full of secret mazes and get lost there for hours at a stretch. It's called balance. 

Some days I utter words of sweet maple syrup dripping down the rim of my lips. Phrases so sweet that honey is put to shame. Other days however, I transform into a poisonous Queen Cobra. No mercy on any living being, I spit venom right at the target, where it hurts. It's called balance. 

Some days I am inspired to work hard like my life depends on it, you know, like ants or honeybees. Constantly in touch with efficiency and independancy. Other days however, I might as well impersonate a sloth. I wish for nothing more than to move at 2 metres per minute. It's called balance. 

Some days I resist the gravitational forces of love and become astray. I walk my own path which has a name. It is called Detachment Street. On this street, there is only one resident; me. No one is allowed to enter or to cross through this path but me. Other days however, I shift into my other home. This is placed in the center of Temptation Street. Multiple homo sapiens are allowed to tresspass and meet me at the crossroads. It's called balance. 

Some days I yearn to communicate through a series of collisions of our mouths, raw and real. Fondling, tasting and unfolding secrets. Other days however, I long for nothing and no one. I do not require any one to lay a finger on me, let alone embrace me. Stay far away and do not enter my personal space. It's called balance. 

So you see, what I'm really trying to preach is that life is all about contradictions. Life in itself is a beautiful contradiction. Without paradoxes, where what we be? Boring and dull. Contradictions and complexities are what make us enthralling. 

- Miss Sajhwani

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