
Water Signs & Earth Signs


Pisces: February 19th - March 20th
Element: Water
Sign: Mutable (highly adaptable and flexible)
Known as: The Fish

General attributes: Very sensitive. Goes out of their way to help friends. Emotional. Likes adventure and social events. Happy go lucky.


1. Accepting/Adaptable: They accept people for who they are. Always putting on a happy front and in their own imaginary worlds. In this world, everyone is friends and everyone is happy. They are ready to adapt to others. They adapt well and this makes the highly creative individuals.

2. Compassionate/Devoted: Super devoted and loyal people once in a relationship. They like to take on the world's problems upon themselves. This attitude or traits allow them to become great with creativity so they would excel in professionals like singing, dancing, music, writing, poetry, etc. They feel, and they feel deep. They feel your pain, they feel your happiness. Every emotion you're going through, they feel it with you.

3. Intuitive/ "psychic": They always follow their gut feeling. These signs are not prone to ill events falling upon them usually but will always have a clear head. They are good at problem-solving and have a hunch about every situation. This air around them shows that they're always happy but at the same time, it shows that they're mysterious and mystic creatures. Good at seeing others' intentions and motives. Said it once and I'll say it again. Most sensitive sign out of all the zodiacs.


1. Overly emotional: This is self explanatory. Their expectations of happiness are so deep that they find everything imbalanced if it doesn't go according to them. Very tit for tat. If you're horrible to them, they'll be equally horrible. (Yes, some may say it's good cause it's like tit for tat right? But again some may see this is being even and MIGHT say it's negative).

2. Gullible/Indecisive: Okay, again, pretty simple. They believe anything anyone says easily. They can be pretty indecisive too just like fellow Libra but why is this bad? Cause it can lead to them being quite temperamental and they don't like dealing with that. They can't. Quite often they can be super dreamy and can be termed as "escapists".

3. Pushovers: Because of their intense and over-emotional side, they tend to put off a lot of things to the side. While they're busy dreaming and being TOO happy about a world outside reality, they tend to be too kind sometimes. Like really, really really kind and while some may say "hey that's good right. We need more kind people!" but this kind nature could end up with them being pushovers. Slightly more aggressive signs may take advantage of this and try to boss them around and Pisces might even go along with it!

Cancer: June 21st - July 22nd
Element: Water
Sign: Cardinal (dynamic personalities and instigators)
Known as: The Crab

General Attributes: Intuitive. Dependable. Not confrontational. Persistent. Observant. Slightly manipulative.   


1. Family Oriented : Again while this might be so "generic" I always write it based on this sign MORE than any other sign. So for example, an Aquarius will be happy to go out and socialise all the time (although they LOVE their own space too when they shut out from the world), Cancer will most often choose to be a homebody. Concerned with family all the time, making and creating a home, a perfect house environment, finding a husband or wife always and looking for long term goals. Because of this, they are undyingly loyal and dedicated to their partners. While some air signs MAY stray or fire signs may get bored easily, this Cancer sign is stuck. (in a good way of course!) Being at home makes them feel safe and secure.

2. Dependable/Supportive/Compassionate : They are full of tender love and care and support. Not scared to show how they feel but won't express easily to their lovers or partners.They feel like no other and this shows on their face sometimes. You can rely on them when you need to get something done or if you are sad about something, trust that you can go to them and will get a shoulder to cry on, for hours if you want. They have a big heart. Sympathy is also something you'll get a lot of from Cancerians.

3. Spontaneous/ Creative : Good work people. Expect loyalty and faithfulness from their co-workers too. Their intuitive side is helpful because it allows them to work well with creative ideas at work or at a job.


1. Overly emotional: They tend to feel so deeply and get hurt super easily. So emotional. Very sensitive. When scolded, they retreat and go back into their shell. Although some may say that "My cancer man isn't emotional, he seems distant." - Think about it this way. When you see a crab, they're hard on the outside and seem so strong and mighty but when you crack open the shell, the actual crab is soft and tender. There is a reason why they're called crabs, you know! They carry imaginary hurtful situations.

2. Nagging/Pessimistic: They are born naggers. They love to nag about everything and are the glass half empty type of people. When encountered with a setback or failure, they don't move on that easily, they sit and wait and fret over it for a long time leading to internal damage and guilt.

3. Suspicious/Clingy: They can't move on that fast. They take like ages to move on from a situation, especially involving people. Ex is a Cancer? Think about it. How many times did he ask you to come back or constantly reach out? Or even if they are so called "detached" (they like to show they don't care) deep down, they're hurting like mad. They question everything and aren't gullible. In short, they don't understand the term "Let go."

Scorpio: October 23rd - November 22nd
Element: Water
Sign: Fixed (don't like change and are traditional in their thinking)
Known as: The Scorpion

General Attributes: Reserved. Observant. Protective. Jealous. Mysterious. Friendly at social events. 


1. Focused/Balanced: Once they have a goal to achieve something, they will do it. It is hard to divert them away from their path chosen. Jovial and passionate in what they do. Interestingly enough, they are very mature and balanced with their thoughts and words. They are very brave and ambitious in what they do too.

2. Faithful/Brave: These are people you can trust. You can count on them to follow through a promise if they've made one to you. They are brave in what they do and say too meaning they are self-reliant and pretty social too. They tend to be resourceful too and helpful.

3. Sensual/Deep: They feel everything. They are some of the deep thinkers of the zodiac. Very passionate and sensual. Relatable. They can easily pick up on your emotional thoughts and feelings. Independent. Can be powerfully positioned so make excellent doctors,scientists, leaders etc.


1. Jealous/Obsessive: They are VERY jealous. Like insanely jealous. They are KNOWN for their possessiveness and jealousy towards people close to them especially partners. While some may like the whole intense love and obsessive nature, some look at it as too much to handle.

2. NEVER/Rarely forgives: They are super loyal but when it comes down to it, they can hold grudges against someone forever. They don't forgive. Like if they do, consider yourself lucky. They have excellent memory so trust me when I say they will never forget. Unfortunately, like their known animal, they can sting and throw venom too.

3. Controlling/Intense/Contradicting: They over control people. They want to have all the control. They sometimes are misunderstood but they are very complex people just like their traits. They can become moody for  no apparent reason. Capable of manipulating for their own benefit and greed, and are good at it.


Taurus: April 20th - May 20th
Element: Earth
Sign: Fixed (stable and firm in their stance)
Known as : The Bull

General attributes: Lots of perseverance. Tolerant people. Persistent. Goal oriented. Stubborn. Rigid. Secure.


1. Dependable: They are people who you can trust and expect results from. My best friend is a Taurus too and she has never let me down. Friends wise, she has always been someone I can count on. While this is just ONE person (skeptics might say so) but there are other Taurus people I know of. 

2. Loyal: Again, these signs are very protective and loyal once they're in it totally. They take really long to commit, but once they do, they are loyal for the long term. They prefer long-term relationships. They are also some of the most patient people I've met. They can tolerate people to like a maximum amount! (Thanks Emma, don't know how you haven't gone crazy with me in the past 5 years! Lol). Sensual. Affectionate but not OVER the top type. Just enough to let one touch say all they have to. 

3. Deep thinkers : They're constantly thinking of deep things. Wanting to explore and wander. Crave adventure. Although they don't like change which could be a good thing so once they're fixed on their routine, they don't like it to be hindered. (Again, this could be seen with both positive and negative light) Determined. Organized. Resourceful too. 


1. Stubborn: They are very, very stubborn. They're the bull for a reason! Their anger is always on their nose and once it flares out, it's hard to stop the bull. They never change their mind once it's made up. No is never a "maybe" it's a firm NO and stop trying to get me to change my mind about it kind of attitude. They usually have a calm surface so their anger isn't always there but if someone provokes them, it becomes extreme and they lose control. 

2. Sensitive/Lazy: They are super sensitive. They don't like being insulted and don't handle criticism the best way even though they seem like they're all calm and collected. A lot of the times, although they are quite motivated, they become lazy when orders are given to them. Because of this, they become slightly stubborn if they don't want to do what's told and that leads to laziness. 

3. Possessive/Jealous: They tend to not show it often but when it crosses the line, they will damn well express that out. They don't like change as mentioned earlier, and someone trying to flirt or talk to their partner is something that has changed. They become insecure and feel annoyed. They are pretty opinionated too and secretive about a lot of things. They might be jealous or whatever but they don't sit and openly express themselves that often. 

Virgo: August 23rd - September 22nd
Element: Earth
Sign: Mutable (dependable and communicative)
Known as : The Virgin

General Attributes: Always thinking and analyzing. Might seem cool and composed to the world but in their minds, it's a constant crazy chaos. Picky people but have good motives and intentions always. 


1. Independent: Very independent. Believe in getting things done by themselves. Very analytical and high progressive thinkers. Friends like this trait in Virgos because they're deep thinkers too. They are critical and help solve problems well. Very good at remembering things and ideas. Doesn't forget easily. 

2. Intelligent/ Witty: They are highly intelligent. Collect knowledge on variety of topics and will surprise you with random facts that you never thought were even important! They are also super patient when it comes to dealing with people most of the time especially if they treat you as someone close or as someone who has jumped over their detached walls. They are the one who pick up pieces and will DEFINITELY finish the puzzle for you.

3. Compassionate/Reliable: You can rely on these friends or partners. They will help you bring out compassion once they are ready to give in to you. They are sensual once they feel you (mentally too!) Extremely reliable means they are very loyal too. They are not going to stray and often have a lot of self control. They are pretty humble and don't need to be the centre of attention for everything either. They're happy being themselves. 


1. Shrewd and Fussy: They sometimes think out loud and this can bring about shrewdness. They don't mean to be malicious or rude, it's just that they're brutal and honest beings. They also tend to worry a lot about minor things hence being called worrywarts!

2. Critical/Judgmental : They're quick to judge others. This could be good or bad right because again depending on perception, it could be seen as a way to avoid being hurt or getting involved with something not right for you if they judge quickly. They are critical when judging others and again, this could be brought about as someone being fussy about life in general. 

3. Detached/Over-analyzing: They must have thought over a situation 100 times! It is hard to silence their minds once doubt creeps in but they're pretty good at hiding it. They sometimes have a detached feeling about them and they don't express their emotions too easily. There are days where the Virgo likes to shut off completely and when that happens, don't try to push them to communicate. It will only annoy them more. 

Capricorn: December 22nd - January 19th 
Element: Earth
Sign: Cardinal (quick, ambitious and active)
Known as: The Goat

General Attributes: Independent. Sympathetic. Overly caring. Leadership qualities. Goal and career oriented. Intriguing and slightly mysterious. 


1. Responsible/Organized: They are skilled workers and work towards success. They are usually very career oriented and will work towards that no matter what. They see the light at the end and they won't stop till they reach it. Reliable individuals. Give them a task and watch them complete it without you having to keep asking again and again. Good sense of timing and management which helps in corporate worlds and businesses. Pretty self-disciplined humans. Very ambitious and super patient too. 

2. Loyal/Caring: Super loyal once committed. When they find a partner, they will most likely use all their time to become intense and spend their time trying to indulge in their partner both physically and emotionally. They tend to care too much sometimes about friends or partners. Super helpful. If you need a favor, go to the mighty Capricorn! They will help you, always. Barely any of them ever say no.

3. Cautious/Realistic: They don't fall for just anyone or anything and move cautiously with friends or partners. They are not dreamy like Librans, but more realistic towards life and what it has to offer. They are happy with financial security and materialistic security - well, security in every aspect to be honest. This is a good thing because once they're secure, they will still keep working and proving their worth. 


1. Stern/Melancholic: Sometimes they MAY look like they're not in the best mood but that's only because they're busy trying to work hard to prove their worth. This habit though might cost them most of their time and thoughts and this results in always trying to achieve approval, usually in a workplace. 

2. Authoritative/Rigid: Okay, again, people can see this differently. Some like being bossed around and some might say, being authoritative is good because it keeps people in their place. Sometimes though, this can lead to being too bossy and they are usually over-achievers. This always makes them public pleasing because they believe they constantly need to prove something. They tend to drown in thoughts which perhaps makes them lonely sometimes although they never show or admit it. 

3. Insecure/Detached: They sometimes find it hard to let people come too close to them emotionally. They don't express easy emotion like a Pisces or even a Cancer sign where emotions are let loose any time. This could be because of insecurity perhaps. They question their own self-worth at times too. There is often internal conflict and contradictions inside their mind because ONCE they let someone in close emotionally, they don't want to have to deal with letting them go later. 

Alright, I've typed quite a bit today! Toodles for now! I wonder if there is any truth left in any of what I've gathered. 

I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did learning more and writing about it! 

To be honest, like I said before, I know a LOT about air signs but the water signs came as a surprise to me because I had to research and think and use my personal experience a lot. 

Nonetheless, good knowing about it because I can definitely relate. 

Toodles for now! Please leave comments if you have any questions :-)

Have a great day! x x Lari 

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