
True Friend

I just wanted to take a moment from my day
To let you know that I most definitely pray
Full of gratitude, praise and a feeling of being happy
I'll try my level best not to make this all sappy.

Whenever I feel low and alone,
I want to buzz away, far far away, like a drone
In comfort of finding you,
Someone that doesn't come by often. Only very few. 

I take pride in calling you a true friend,
A concept alien and very few following the trend.
A handful accept silence over conversation,
Not someone who constantly acts petty and delves in silly persuasion.

To me, you instill a sharp glow
Where intellectual talks flow
I feel like I've found some sort of treasure
Difficult to explain or to measure. 

To God I am grateful,
For I know I will be faithful.
For true friends are hard to find,
Together we shall explore sometime,
And if we are in it together, we shall truly shine. 

- xx Larisha


  1. Bellisimo! Fantastic poetry in motion. Definitely your niche skill, keep it up!
